Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Grandfather of moden chiles.

These are chiltepins, wild chile of Southern Arizona and Latin America. I have finaly cultivated a couple of plants for my patio.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Puzzled Dog, wonders at man’s inconsistencies

this man
the dog’s man
does love his dog
this dog
does know this
this man nuzzles the squirming dog
growling and talking nonsense
upon waking each day
this man gives the dog
a wet stinky dollop
something wonderful
in his dish
every day
this dog knows
this man loves
this dog
but why
does this man go mad
sink the dog
into a tub of blood warm
soap stink
not good stink
soap stink
as he laughs

A new link

I am adding a new link to my favorites; "Blogger Play". This is a feature shows in nearly real time the pictures people are posting on their blogs. This feature shows what is on the minds of people all over the world. That which is important: babies, dogs, friends, food, scenery, art, crafts, buildings. The things which make up the lives of people in every culture. At midnight when it is morning in Asia, there is virtualy the same flow of pictures as when the sun is high over the western hemisphere. The only signifigant difference is the ethnic makeup of the babies. According to Google these images are filtered to keep out lewdness but every so often, maybe one in a thousand images is NSW.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Morning rain graces datura
Last cool touch of morning
Traffic surf sounds in the distance


As of right now, I am changing the focus of this blog. I may still ocassionaly comment on politics but will shift my concentration to what really matters... Life, the Universe and EVERYTHING. Art is serious, life is fun. Life is serious art is fun.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

This may well be the soulution to climate change!

I think we should all start up our cars, turn the airconditioning all the way frosty and then just let them run! It might even be better to roll the windows down cruze around town and yell complements at pretty girls in tight shorts! How cool is that?! I know just one person doing this will not make much difference but what if hundreds of us did?! Pretty soon we would have polar bears in LA! How cool is that?!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Challange

Several times recently I have heard supporters of Senator Obama’s run for the Presidency asked to enumerate his accomplishments. I have yet to hear any one name even one. I have a different question I have asked several Democrats without a coherent answer. Can any one tell me; in what significant way do the proposed policies of Barak Obama differ from the policies practiced by Adolph Hitler.
At first glance this question seems too simple. I have had liberal answers from dismissing the question as silly to sputtering in frustration and swearing. There are too many similarities to enumerate in one entry. I will, I promise, in the near future compare the customary Obama with the historic Hitler.

It could happen.

Today I peer into the dim and distant past… I see myself sitting in front of the television with a cold drink in my hand. I leap up and cheer. I shout exhortations and advice. This is not however a sporting event but a Republican debate. The moderator has asked all the candidates the question. “What will your strategy be against Hillary Clinton in the fall?” None of the candidates had the foresight to mention the possibility that someone other than Senator Clinton would be the eventual Democratic nominee.
Since that time glaciers have come and gone. Tectonic plates have shifted, mountains have washed to the sea, others have risen in their places. In political time eons have indeed passed. Rather than the obvious Giuliani vs. Clinton contest Senators Obama and McCain have been all but anointed.
Almost everyone is assuming that, at their convention, the Democratics are going to nominate a man who’s main experience in life has been as a “community organizer”. It could well be that Senator Obama; this shining messiah has indeed risen through the world of Cook County politics and “liberation theology” unscathed. It is possible. It is also possible that a mighty leprechaun army will take over the world and proclaim me the “Magnificent Flying Monkey of Eternal Turpitude”.
Even I, a political outsider in the outer desert of Arizona have heard rumblings of impending political scandals. Names such as Larry Sinclair, Donald Young and Tony Rezko are being voiced. As I see it if the Clinton campaign has any more dirt on Obama it will come out shortly before the convention. If dirt is coming from the Republican direction it will be a literal and proverbial “October surprise”.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

After a conversation with a Canadian

I am thankful for the Bill of Rights.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Manhattan Project

I have heard people propose another Manhattan Project to address America's energy needs. Are they not aware this has been done? It was done in the 40s and called "The Manhattan Project"

Friday, May 9, 2008


I don't know to whom to attribute this quote: Democracy is two coyotes and a rabbit voting on what's for dinner. Liberty is the rabbit pulling a pistol and demanding a re-vote.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Often, when people find out for whom I work (an electric utility) one of the first questions is; What about solar? I usually, circumstances permitting, explain the limitations inherent in solar energy (a subject for a whole 'nother post).
What I ponder today is; Why do so many look to others (utilities, congress, political candidates etc.) for solar energy when they should simply look up. Hello! where do you think solar energy comes from? When were we conditioned to look to others for our well being? Urban and suburban man has become accustomed to looking to others for most necessities; food, water, gas and electrical energy, communication services etc. My dogs look to me for all their necessities but they at least have the sense to lie down in the sunlight on a cold day. Sunlight is delivered to our homes daily. Even on cloudy days we depend on the sun for at least some of our lighting.
All this leads me to an old, rather morbid, folk tale. It seems, during a time of famine, a friendless old lady found a soup bone. She took said bone home and hid it in her cupboard to use for soup the next day. During the night she awoke to a ghostly voice... "I want my bone". She ignored the voice only to be awakened again by the same voice only louder... "I want my bone". At length, this went on until finaly the lady lept from her bed and shouted "Then take it!"

And so, from now on when someone says to me "I want my solar" I will reply... "Then take it!"
The following poem is from my book "Dreaming Dog, Astride the World" copyright 2004 subsynchronous press

Sunday Poem

Pious Dog,
and his Sunday Meditations

this day being Sunday
the man
ponders the infinite
the holy
the trinity
transubstantiation and
the priesthood of

this dog knows
of these mysteries and
all this would interest him more
if it was crunchy
and filled with marrow

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Bill of Rights

Hot damn! When I read of Mark Steyn's troubles in Canada and now Brigit Bardot's prosecution I thank whatever gods may be for the Bill of rights. We live in a country in which we are allowed to criticise our leadership in any way we choose. We can criticise other religions other countries the loyal (and often disloyal) opposition with no real fear of government reprisal. Our only legitimate fear in exercising our right to free speech is that some fanatic will personally attack. For this contingency we have the second amendment.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Static Var Compensator

This is where I have been spending my time.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'll be back

I've been gone from the ether-universe a few days working 13 hour days helping commission a 15 million piece of electrical equipment. I will have thoughts on this and even a few pictures later, when I have time to write.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

This is the first installment in what is to be a continuing series:
This Irks Me
I have been reading lately about a high school boy who incurred the wrath of school officials after taking his home made Taser to school. One can not make your own Taser than one can make your own Coca Cola or your own Ford Mustang. Taser is a registered trademark of Taser International. The device this boy made is a crude relatively ineffective stun gun. Check out real Taser products at
In the interest of full disclosure; I do have a financial interest in Taser International.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Today, as I write, I am listening to Nick Cave's CD "Dig Lazarus Dig" as my educated wife is pointing out literary references contained therein. A great work from a smart creative man.

This man is so deep. He has all the depth of a pop star or a sports "hero". "Yes we can", "Change we can believe in" "I like turtles"

One recent poem

Five Early Journeys

barefoot this morning
I thought I saw a
snake on my path
it was a stick
I am glad I wasn’t bitten

sliver moon dawn
moon rise
I will see
you again new
at dusk

I search dawn
dark sky
this morning you
were not there
tonight I look west

I step to my porch
first dawn glow
bougainvillea flit on the sidewalk

hour of indecision
is it night or morning
café stool forces a choice
bird perch
or slump
no in between
I can never remember; Is life serious and art fun or is art serious and life fun? Is life art or art life? I think art is art and fun is fun.

At Last!

Please allow me to introduce myself... I'm a man of moderate wealth and dubious taste. I follow politics the way many men follow sports. Because I sort through available facts,(current events, history and science) I favor the conservative side of the game. I realize there are many smarter people than me who disagree with me ergo I am ready to listen, ready to learn.
And so, I welcome myself to the blogisphere. More to follow