Monday, November 16, 2009

A Good Dog.

Mho, Mo,

named for a

Mohave rattlesnake

Mo-mo, Modiddely, sometimes

Mo-de-do-de do-do

as he danced when

I got home

good dog


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our office pet rock. He started out as "The rock what looks like Jimme Carter" Since then he has been embelished a number of times. He almost seems like an ole frend now.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Salt Lake City Society of Super System Operators

My birthday greetings. (BEST EVER!)

I was in Salt Lake City on a training mission.
My Boy, Spencer.
My dog Jack, on the left.
My dog Mho, on the right.
My lovely wife Hillary.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hours of fun.

Some time long ago a child was given a hammer, nails and a board. I hope the adult this child can still get pleasure from a hammer some nails and a board.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Two little dogs.

Julia and Gertie

Someone died here. Were people sitting in the white plastic chairs? Did they jump up when it happened? Was the last thing this soul read before departing this existance "Snacks and More"? A picture is worth a thousand words or perhaps a million questions.

New camera, new hobby.

I have begun a fascination with roadside shrines.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How long until Michelle Obama is pregnant?

When our new president's poll numbers start to sag or if he faces a serious reelection challenge there is in his arsenal a public relations weapon far beyond what the American public has ever seen.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

100% solar Jeep

My Jeep Cherokee is now 100% solar powered. I have accomplished this not through a complex system of charging stations, bulky expensive portable cells or my home solar hydrogen conversion kit. I have for the past 100,000 miles been burning fuel that was converted by the organic process of photosynthesis using solar power millions of years ago. This process actually takes atmospheric carbon dioxide and with the power of the sun, released the oxygen and combines the solar into an organic molecule. These molecules were then modified by a completely natural earth friendly process into an unrefined fuel. Even the process of perfecting this fuel was accomplished using this same stored solar energy.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life imatates art

Hot Damn! This woman is smart, hot, and so forth.

Just a touch of irony here; During the depression of the 1930s my great grandfather did well for himself and my great grandmother as the only coal distributor in Cedar Rapids Iowa. Now, 80 years later I am making a good living doing essentially the same thing. I work for a publicly owned utility whose main (almost exclusive) source of energy is coal. By operating the electrical transmission system I am delivering coal to around a million people 24 hours per day. It’s funny how despite appearances things really don’t change.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Major hollywood revelation!

Having seen "The Dark Knight" three times, including once at the I Max I believe there is a cameo by Stafford Repp who played Chief O'Hara on the Batman TV series. Look carefully during the funeral parade. Either this is a figment of my imagination, a ghostly apparation or computer generated since Mr. Repp passed on in 1975. Johah Goldberg of National Review's "The Corner" seems to agree.

President Obama

I did not vote for President Obama. Already after only a few days of his administration I disapprove of his actions. I share with a large and growing minority of Americans serious doubts about his judgement and moral compass. But I vow that for as long as he is President he is my President and as was his predecessor duly elected by the American people. I will not follow the precedent of the last eight years and refer to my President in any way disrespectful to the office of the presidency.