Monday, January 26, 2009

Major hollywood revelation!

Having seen "The Dark Knight" three times, including once at the I Max I believe there is a cameo by Stafford Repp who played Chief O'Hara on the Batman TV series. Look carefully during the funeral parade. Either this is a figment of my imagination, a ghostly apparation or computer generated since Mr. Repp passed on in 1975. Johah Goldberg of National Review's "The Corner" seems to agree.

President Obama

I did not vote for President Obama. Already after only a few days of his administration I disapprove of his actions. I share with a large and growing minority of Americans serious doubts about his judgement and moral compass. But I vow that for as long as he is President he is my President and as was his predecessor duly elected by the American people. I will not follow the precedent of the last eight years and refer to my President in any way disrespectful to the office of the presidency.